MOSCOW, glavklub, 2021
MAC Moscow Afterparty 2021
A massive party for 2000 people in the best MAC tradition: open bars, incredible shows!
On 5 and 6 October, the biggest event of the arbitration year - MAC 2021 conference took place in Moscow. The event lasted 2 days and gathered more than 3000 people. WintEvents Agency organised the official after-party for 2000 people in one of the largest clubs in Moscow - Glavklab.
This year's after-party was held in "GLAVCLUB" - the top venue in Moscow, where world celebrities give concerts. The agency had a difficult task in choosing a location for the party: some of the biggest venues in Moscow, unfortunately, did not survive the crown crisis. Not every location could comfortably accommodate 2000 people. The challenge was accepted, the location was found! And we did our best, we brought hundreds of sofas and armchairs so that each "daimond" could sit at his own table with service. And every VIP with no less comfort could watch the show-programme, dance to Timati, enjoy all night with free alcohol and hookahs on 2 levels of location.
The top host of the show was the king of freestyle Serafim, and the headliner of the party was the well-known Timati. In the programme the guests were waiting for incredible in its ideas and complexity shows: Tesla-show on 2 coils on 1,8m. 5m magnetic field, many thousands of volts. The sound was created by lightning itself!

A laser show with an author's script by Vadim Korepov, founder of and co-organiser of the MAC conference, about the corona-crisis, closed borders, growth of the affiliate marketing market and, of course, about MAC Moscow, which is a landmark for all CIS affiliates and which again broke into the market with an incredible scale!

The party was opened by a real symphony orchestra! The headliner of the party was the cult Timati!
MAC Awards

An important part of the MAC after-party was the presentation of the most honest award in the field of CPA and online marketing - MAC Awards. The award is fair for a number of reasons:

  • The projects of the award organisers do not participate in the voting;
  • All votes are scoring;
  • Only real people take part in the voting!
A total of 12 nominations were chosen. You can find out who won on the award website.
A lot of names happened with this party: the MAC Orchestra, the Luxury Mansion Attic and, our favourite, the Hedonism Party.

At this party, as with all previous MAC after-parties, there really was no end to the alcohol. There was water on the bars until the wee hours of the morning. Daimonds were served by 40 waiters, hookahs were lit on all levels of the location by professional masters, and the menu of "smoke flavours" offered to choose from 20 pure and 10 mixed items!

Every effort was made to ensure that on each of the many levels of the location our guests felt like they were truly tops at the truly top event of Arbitrage Autumn 2021!
Для создания шоу мы выделили несколько месяцев кропотливой работы. Одно только тесла-шоу этой вечеринки несло риски We allocated several months of painstaking work to create the show. The tesla show of this party alone posed a risk to the life and health of the stuntman, and could knock out the LED screen or the sound equipment of the concert venue.

A separate script was written for the creation of the laser show, and every element was drawn from 0-la, which later, during the party, appeared "in the air" before the eyes of the guests. Music from concert performances was collected. Selected tracks and wrote new arrangements of popular music for the orchestra.

A lot, a lot of money was spent without the slightest hesitation on the technical rider of the show - all for the sake of your admiration!
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